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Berean Christadelphian Assistance Fund

Dedication to Managing resources for the servants of Yahweh




Q: Does the BCAF provide funds for members’ personal education?


A: No. The BCAF manages Sponsorship funds received for education purposes, and/or any funds that are sent to the BCAF and are earmarked by the sender to be used for education purposes, and also provides & distributes materials that can help those in need to better provide for themselves; but the BCAF does not use General Contribution (unallocated) funds for school fees or personal education / training programs. This may change somewhat in the future, because committee volunteers are fast coming to the realization that, in Africa, education programs offer the best promise of individuals becoming self-sufficient for the future, if Christ remains away. The brotherhood will be informed of any further changes in BCAF policy regarding personal education. 



Q: Can BCAF funding go to brethren and sisters in need that are not in Kenya?


A: Yes. The BCAF is for assistance to brethren and sisters anywhere around the world.



Q: Do funds or assistance ever go to those who are not Berean Christadelphians?


A: No; assistance is only for Berean Christadelphians and their immediate family.



Q: How can I or my ecclesia donate funds anonymously?


A: You can send a chequeto the BCAF c/o Ed Truelove, or online via Paypal Donations page on this website.  You can donate money for the general fund, or choose a particular project to which you would like to contribute - including education / school fees (but you have to give us the instruction).



Q: Does the BCAF operate independently of the fellowship?  


A: No, the BCAF consists of a group of volunteers, each members of different ecclesias in the fellowship in various locations, that distribute emergency funds, spiritual materials, and other support to those in need. It answers wholly to the collective wishes of the fellowship.



Q. Why are we sending money over to people in other countries, when God can provide them with whatever is good for them to have? Why not just look after their spiritual needs, and let God's wisdom decide what they shouldreceive?


A. It is a measure of our love for our brother, what we are willing to do to help those in need:

1Jn 3:17 "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"






(i.e., "I don't agree with how the funds are being used, so I am not going to make any donations until I am satisfied that necessary changes have been made")


A:There are many challenges involved. There are always improvements that can be made and we are working to tweek the methods and improve accountability as much as possible.


BUT the sentiment expressed in the above question begs yet another question: The command for us to give from our abundance for the assistance of the poor is repeated literally hundreds of times throughout scripture, in both Old and New Testaments. Is there anywhere that we are told that we are exempt from giving if we are not sure about how it will be used?  We know of none - not one.


In fact, the command to give, firstly, to our brothers and sisters in need, and then, secondly, to give to all people in need, has nothing to do with the worthiness of the receiver; or whether or not it will be appreciated; or whether or not it will be used as we would like. Giving, as the Bible advocates it, has everything to do with its spiritual effect on the giver, the Godly character that is honed through selfless, spontaneous, anonynous giving. It is one of the many - yea, one of the most important - ways that we can exercise that very fundamental spiritual attribute of GRATITUDE in response to the great Giver of all things, especially justification to life (grace).


The recipient bears responsibility for how he / she uses / abuses the gift, and may well need to give account for it on their own part if it is misused or abused. That is not to say, of course, that we should not do all in our power, when we have opportunity, to ensure that funds are used as effectively as possible, and avoid known pitfalls.


 "The command for us to give

from our abundance for the

assistance of the poor is

repeated literally hundreds

of times throughout scripture"


It is easy to underestimate the importance and priority of this command. Jesus' dialog with the rich young man clearly indicated that his reluctance to part with wealth and possessions was the ONE stumblinblock in an otherwise righteous character.


Bro Roberts, in Nazareth Revisited, (read article here) makes the point that, at the judgement seat, our worthiness will stand or fall relative to how well we have responded to the needs of the poor


The Apostle Paul, in 2 Cor 8 & 9 makes an impassioned plea to the ecclesias to give and to share from their wealth and possessions so that others may benefit and that there would be more financial equality among the ecclesias; but the greatest reason for doing so would be that God is thanked and glorified by their actions of giving. He even uses the example of the very liberal gift of one ecclesia to urge another ecclesia into giving more!

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